Monday, June 22, 2009

Father's Day Weekend!

It was my first Father's Day weekend and it was so much fun! Rikki and I filmed a wedding for Susie Leland (Williams) daughter Angie on Saturday! It was a beautiful wedding and we were honored to be hired to film for them! Susie and her husband Craig live in Greenville, Ohio on a gorgeous 15 acre property, and that is where the reception was held. They are wonderful people. Susie graduated from Winchester with Rikki's mom Tia, and she was on the cheer leading squad with my mom Daralee, who was a year older. It's always great to meet people who were friends with my mom. They always have such wonderful things to say about her. Anyway, it was a 13 hour day, but Rikki was a trooper! She was sore by the end of the day, but I think the most pain she felt was because she missed her son! Grandma Tia and Nanna Mel came to our house and babysat for us. Thanks! Darian was a well behaved wonderful baby boy as usual! I think he missed us though! On Sunday...Father's Day, we slept in and were running behind from the get go. Rikki got me a picture frame with Darian's first bath picture in it for me to put on my desk at work. As well as a travel coffee mug complete with pictures too! Thanks babe! My Father's Day started out great! We totally underestimated how much work it is to even travel the short distance to Winchester with a 12 day old! We had a lunch date with my Grandma Ann, but we were an hour late! Darian needed to eat and a diaper change just as we were about to leave! We eventually made it and grandma made a wonderful casserole for lunch with a salad, blueberry muffins, and fresh fruit with whip cream for dessert! Yummy! We always love grandma Ann's cooking! She was really excited to meet Darian for the first time! She fed him a bottle...she's had plenty of experience! My Uncle Dean was there too, but wouldn't hold him yet, so he didn't get in any of the pictures! We had a blast and Rik and I were so excited to have grandma meet him! She's such a wonderful person and even better grandmother to Missy and I! Love you grandma! Our next stop on our whirlwind Father's Day tour was to Rikki's grandparents Richard and Audrey Reish. They hadn't met Darian yet either so we were equally excited to show off our pride and joy! They both held him and instantly fell in love too! Grandpa Reish gave us way too much money to start a bank account for Darian, but we really appreciate it! Darian will too someday! Darian also got presents from both Great Grandparents as well as my Uncle Max and Dianne! Thanks everyone...we love you! We stopped many other places on Sunday as well, but I'll have to continue the whirlwind Father's Day trip tomorrow! I fear if I write too much at one time my readers will bore! :) Plus, I can only add 5 pictures per blog! Till tomorrow faithful followers!


Zach, Rikki and Darian Lee


Patrick said...

He's one cute baby! And why am I still up at 1:47am? Well if I could only share the sound of a crying baby in my house...

Darian Lee Girton said...

Ha! I hear you! Thanks Patrick! Hope you're getting enough sleep and that the family is doing well!

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