Tuesday, June 30, 2009

3 weeks old!!

Today Darian turned three weeks old! Yea! He's doing really well! We think he's the cutest baby in the world! He's still eating really well, and sleeping well too. We didn't do anything special today, just worked (as usual) and grilled some Talapia, baked potatoes, and corn on the cob! We had some fruit jello that Rik's Gma Reish made us! It was delicious!

Before dinner Jeff and Morgan Carnahan (friends & coworkers) stopped by with Jeff's kids! They brought us a some really cool gifts! Thanks guys! Everyone except Jax held Darian, and Feebie (sp?) Jeff"s daughter really got a kick out of him! She really wanted to help change a diaper because she knew how from putting them on her dolls! Too cute. We let her and she did a great job! Lucky for her it was just a wet one!

See you tomorrow!


Zach, Rikki and Darian

Monday, June 29, 2009

Spit up and other friends...

Today was a pretty uneventful day Rikki tells me! No milestones or excitement to report really. The only thing new is that Darian is starting to spit up! We put a bib on him when I got home because he has been spitting up on mommy all day! He hasn't spit up on the bib yet...just mommy again! I think he giggled after! :)

Since I dont have much to report I think I will post some more pics of friends that have stopped by who I haven't posted pics of yet! Today we have our good friends Adam and Nicole Clevenger! Nic was at the hospital all day on Darian's birthday...Adam was there when he was born, and they have both been to the house a couple times to hang out with the little guy! Thanks guys...we love you.
Daddy played ball tonight and i am tired...so goodnight.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

More Visitors, Fishers Freedom Festival, & First Real Bath!!

Yesterday we had several visitors. My Uncle Randy stopped over on his way back to Chicago to meet Darian! While Randy was here, Adam, Avery, and Mike came over for a while. Avery hadn't seen Darian yet, and was really excited to meet him. She was at the hospital on his birth day, but had to leave because Rik labored for sooooo long! She has been asking about him ever since! Mike came up with Scott for the weekend and he has been really excited to meet Dee as well! Mike's siblings Scott and Elizabeth are both expecting late summer (Scott...having a boy) and Elizabeth (fall...having a girl)! He is excited to be an uncle...and from the way he cuddled Darian all afternoon, he will be a good one! Adam has been here about 12 times already (exaggerating a bit), so he didn't hold him this time! Thanks for coming over guy's! Grandma Tia also came for the afternoon! She actually took some little league pics back to Winnie for us to deliver and saved us a bunch of postage! Thanks Grandma!

Last night we went to Holland Park to the Fishers Freedom Festival. We waited till about 7:30 to go, so that it wasn't as hot. We had a lot of fun! Darian slept the whole time, but Rikki and I had quintessential fair food. I had a rib eye sandwich, Rik had a breaded tenderloin, and we both shared some ribbon fries! We both had home made cream soda from a booth that had several wooden kegs of homemade soda! It was tasty. After dinner we shared an Elephant Ear for dessert. Next we walked down to where a band 'Toy Factory' was playing and several kids and adults were dancing in the grass. At dusk several people in the surrounding neighborhoods started shooting off some pretty nice fireworks. We enjoyed them as we walked about 1/2-mile back to our car. Darian loved his car seat, and we pushed him in the baby trend stroller that you just fasten the car seat into. Thus he was quite cozy and lulled into a deep sleep during our walk! I think Rik enjoyed getting out of the house and walking, though she is still a bit sore!

Today Darian and I slept in pretty late! We were tired boys! Mommy got up early and made coffee and started working on photos again! She's the best! I finally mowed the yard today! I haven't mowed since before Darian was born...so I've been neglecting the yard! :( Really the only exciting thing we did today was to give Dee his first real bath! He hated it! We put him in the warm water, thinking it would remind him of the amniotic fluid he floated in for 9 months...but I guess not! He screamed and cried the whole time! Rik picked him up to hold him for a minute to calm him and he pee'd all over her!! After he got dried off and lotioned up he finally calmed down! He ate really well after his bath though! Enough for now! Night everyone! Shout out to GG Doris...we hope she is feeling better today after her surgery on Friday! We love you!

Zach, Rikki and Darian

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Friday night...

Last night was a wonderful evening! I worked for a few hours when I got home from work because I needed to get Loni's business cards ordered by 8pm (5pm in Cali) so that she can have them by July 3rd! Rikki worked on printing LL photos and Darian chilled in his swing looking cute! After we finished working we ordered BW3's for dinner and I went to pick it up! Yum! We were both craving some spicy garlic! It's one of our favorites, and we hadn't had it for quite some time! We decided it was time for Mommy and Daddy to watch a movie together! We layed in bed with Dee between us because he was wide awake, propped up in his boppy and swaddled in his favorite sleep sac; we watched Grand Torino with Clint Eastwood! It was a pretty good movie. All three of us enjoyed it...though I am the only one who made it up for the whole movie! Go figure! :) Sometime around the middle of the movie i went to change Darian's poopy diaper. After i had removed his diaper i soon realized he wasn't finished going #2!! It was a bright orange (almost the color of BW's spicy garlic sauce...for those who know) projectile poo poo! It squirted all over the changing table and even far enough to reach the floor!! Mommy also read Dee a book while rocking him in his room! He likes to be read to! This morning we are just hanging out drinking coffee and breastmilk, thinking about GG Doris who had surgery (gall bladder removed because of a stone) yesterday afternoon! We hope she is feeling well today! Love you Grandma!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

First Doctor's Appointment!

Darian had his first Dr.'s appointment today! He did really well. The only time he cried was when Dr. Banter stuck her finger in his mouth to press down his tongue so she could see his throat. He weighed 8lbs, which the Dr. was pleased with because he is already above his birth weight, which is what they look for at this first 2-week appointment. He was 20.25" long, so he has grown 1/2". Dr. Banter thinks he is pretty strong. She placed him on his tummy and he almost rolled over on his back by himself! The only thing wrong is that he has a mild yeast infection, so we stopped at CVS on the way home to get him some prescription butt cream! Nanna Mel left today when we left for Dee's appointment. Earlier in the day Rikki's Aunt Amy and Cousin Samantha stopped over to see Darian again. They brought us cookies, fruit, and a cool picture frame! Thanks so much! He's been a wonderful little boy again today! He's sleeping on my lap right now...too cute! We'll have to wake him up to nurse pretty soon. Loni Wilson just left. She was here to go over her business card design that I have been working on for her new salon. http://www.28starstudio.com/ Check it out. Dos Halos Studios (me) designed her logo. Rik has been working on more little league photos for me! She's the best! Goodnight all.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Darian's cord falls off finally!!

Dee's stubby little crusty cord finally fell off today! Yea! Now we can give him a real bath and put baby lotion and all that fun stuff all over his cute little bod! Not that it really matters much because he's not dirty and smells pretty cute the way he is...all natural! We had a great night last night...he slept straight from midnight till 6 a.m. this morning! Don't think we'll be able to count on that every night, but it sure was nice! I stopped at Once Upon a Child on the way home from work today to purchase some lighter weight swaddler sleep sacs. He loves the one that we bought from the hospital before we checked out, but it is micro fleece, and too warm for these unseasonably hot temps we've been having. Nanna Mel came today and is spending the night tonight! We had the Italian feast that Josh and Sheri brought us for dinner tonight! It was really good! I put together Darian's activity gym last night, and mommy laid Dee in it for a while today and she said he seemed to really like it. There wasn't much activity yet, but he seemed to enjoy staring at all the toys dangling in front of him. Tomorrow is Darian's first doctors appointment with Dr. Banter. I'll fill you in on it tomorrow! night night

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

This week so far...

Monday night I went back and played in my Monday night basketball league in Noblesville! It felt good to be back, but the heat and a couple weeks off sure took it's toll! Rikki and Darian came with me to cheer daddy on...but Dee slept straight through our games! It was good to have all the guy's meet my wife and son though! Today Morgan came by for a visit to meet Darian on her way back to Tennessee! Darian is sleeping now and mommy and I have been working tonight! I have been editing Marcia and Tyler Frame's wedding film, while Rikki has been working on the Falcon Little League photos for me. She has caught on fast and is doing an awesome job! Darian spent quite a bit of time today in his swing and in his papasan. He seems to like them both, but still prefers to be held! He's such a little cuddler! His cord is about to fall off in the next couple days...and he is doing a better job of keeping his urine in his diaper! Less laundry! Yea! Manana...

Father's Day continued...

So after we left GG&GG Reish's...we scooted over to Nanna Mel's so that Melissa's boyfriend (Rick Mosier) and his daughter Kara could meet Darian! We also walked next door to Mrs. C's (Ardie Casperson) so she could meet him! She was both Rikki & I's 2nd grade teacher...and still my favorite! We then stopped by G&G Tony and Toni's to drop off another Father's Day card and visit for a few! Next stop was GG&GG Doug and Ann's to drop off another card. My dads was our next visit. Aunt Deb Moyer came by to meet Dee and he got even more clothes! Thanks! We also received gifts on Sunday from GG Floyd Fouse, Robbie and Feebie (sp?), and Sheila Case. Thanks everyone. After leaving Grandpa Mike's we headed to Miranda and Seth Key's. They were having a 1-year birthday party for Jimmy and Brittany's youngest...Jensen! Their girls were most excited I think. Alara and Delaney argued over who got to hold him first...then Delaney complained because she didn't think she got to hold him as long! Too cute! The Pittman girls have been really good friends to Rikki, and they have a wonderful family! We're lucky to have them as part of our lives! After grabbing a bite to eat there we stopped at GG & GG Girton's on the way out of town! Couldn't stay long, but Dee decided he was hungry so Rik had to nurse him before we left! I don't think we got home till around 11:00pm...so it was a long but really fun Father's Day! Thanks to everyone who made my Father's Day such a wonderful one! But, especially thanks to my beautiful wife and son! Without you I wouldn't have had a Father's Day at all!!! :)

Monday, June 22, 2009

Father's Day Weekend!

It was my first Father's Day weekend and it was so much fun! Rikki and I filmed a wedding for Susie Leland (Williams) daughter Angie on Saturday! It was a beautiful wedding and we were honored to be hired to film for them! Susie and her husband Craig live in Greenville, Ohio on a gorgeous 15 acre property, and that is where the reception was held. They are wonderful people. Susie graduated from Winchester with Rikki's mom Tia, and she was on the cheer leading squad with my mom Daralee, who was a year older. It's always great to meet people who were friends with my mom. They always have such wonderful things to say about her. Anyway, it was a 13 hour day, but Rikki was a trooper! She was sore by the end of the day, but I think the most pain she felt was because she missed her son! Grandma Tia and Nanna Mel came to our house and babysat for us. Thanks! Darian was a well behaved wonderful baby boy as usual! I think he missed us though! On Sunday...Father's Day, we slept in and were running behind from the get go. Rikki got me a picture frame with Darian's first bath picture in it for me to put on my desk at work. As well as a travel coffee mug complete with pictures too! Thanks babe! My Father's Day started out great! We totally underestimated how much work it is to even travel the short distance to Winchester with a 12 day old! We had a lunch date with my Grandma Ann, but we were an hour late! Darian needed to eat and a diaper change just as we were about to leave! We eventually made it and grandma made a wonderful casserole for lunch with a salad, blueberry muffins, and fresh fruit with whip cream for dessert! Yummy! We always love grandma Ann's cooking! She was really excited to meet Darian for the first time! She fed him a bottle...she's had plenty of experience! My Uncle Dean was there too, but wouldn't hold him yet, so he didn't get in any of the pictures! We had a blast and Rik and I were so excited to have grandma meet him! She's such a wonderful person and even better grandmother to Missy and I! Love you grandma! Our next stop on our whirlwind Father's Day tour was to Rikki's grandparents Richard and Audrey Reish. They hadn't met Darian yet either so we were equally excited to show off our pride and joy! They both held him and instantly fell in love too! Grandpa Reish gave us way too much money to start a bank account for Darian, but we really appreciate it! Darian will too someday! Darian also got presents from both Great Grandparents as well as my Uncle Max and Dianne! Thanks everyone...we love you! We stopped many other places on Sunday as well, but I'll have to continue the whirlwind Father's Day trip tomorrow! I fear if I write too much at one time my readers will bore! :) Plus, I can only add 5 pictures per blog! Till tomorrow faithful followers!


Zach, Rikki and Darian Lee

Friday, June 19, 2009

A slow day...

Today was a slow day for visitor's...with step-grandpa Neil being the only one! He was working in Indy today so he stopped by to meet Darian on his way home to Winchester. We have totally appreciated all the visitor's and great food and gifts, but I think Rikki was glad to have a slow day! :) Darian was awake a lot more today, and he ate a lot more frequently today...I think he has eaten 8 times today! He's a growing boy! He was a lot more alert today too...he likes to stare at you up close, and he has been smiling much more. He kept smiling during my first diaper change after I returned home from work. I'm pretty sure he was happy to see me! :) I read him a book about shapes and he seemed interested, but he stared at me the whole time and not at the pages. Rikki is starting to get sad because we will be away from him all day tomorrow as we are filming a wedding in Greenville, Ohio. Grandma Tia and Nanna Mel are both going to be at our house to babysit and hopefully sell some of our stuff in our neighborhood garage sale. Hopefully the weather cooperates!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Sleepy Boy and his Pee Pee Tee Pee!

Darian was a sleepy boy today! Rik said he slept a lot while I was at work. He is still peeing all over the place sometimes during diaper changes, but Grandma Tia brought Pee Pee Tee Pee's that Great-Aunt Lynnie mailed her from Tennessee! Lynnie also called tonight to check in! Thanks Lynnie! Carol Rust came today as well with her adorable son Johnathan (3 1/2 months) and brought us some really nice gifts. She also bought Rik's breast pump for us from Reid Hospital where she works as a nurse, and saved us a considerable amount of $$$! Thanks Carol. Terri Edwards also came to see Darian and brought us some jeans, shirt and a cool hoodie. Then she stole Grandma (her gambling partner) and headed off to Hoosier Park in Anderson to play for a few hours! Thanks Terri! After I returned from work Ira, Joan, and their beautiful daughter Olivia came and made us dinner! We had gourmet sandwiches and lettuce wraps! yummy! Adam, Casey, and sweet Fiona also came for dinner and to hang out! We had a ball, but Darian slept the whole time! I'm surprised he didn't stir as he was passed around like a football! Even Olivia had a turn holding him! Our Doty neighbors stopped by too and brought us an Italian Feast! Thanks everyone...we really appreciate it! Grandma Tia just finished reading him 'Green Eggs and Ham', which he really seemed to enjoy! He's getting ready to eat right now! See you all tomorrow!

Darian's Nursery

I have had several requests from people to see Darian's nursery...so here it is! This is a quick little digital collage i put together for Rikki to take to her baby shower's to show friends and family. I know some of the pics are kind of small in this configuration, but you can mouse (left) click on the image to enlarge in another window. We think it's a special space for a very special little boy! (and we're not biased at all) :)

More visitors and TUMMY TIME!!

Today was my first day back at work. :) I missed my little man, but he was definitely in good hands. Rik's mom was here also to help out (spoil him) and Nanna Mel, Greatpa and Greatma Doug and Ann came to meet Darian for the first time! Melissa and Ann were arguing over who was going to hold him first so Doug said, " Ah hell with it...he's mine". Or something like that! We tried to have some tummy time with Darian, but as you can see he just conked out, but on his tummy at least! Too cute. He did try to use his little arms, and he lifted his head a little bit...he must have worn himself out! Not sure it's even possible, but we're falling more and more in love with him everyday!