Friday, August 7, 2009

Ready for the weekend!!!

This has been a really good week! Not too much exciting news to report, but Darian has been doing wonderfully! Mommy has been working from home a little this week, so she and Dee haven't done too much, but they have been going on walks and playing outside. Rik and Dee were spread out on the grass under the oak tree in our front yard yesterday evening when I got home from work! Darian was lying on his back staring at the trees and mommy was reading a book. He's been a pretty happy boy lately. He is really starting to pay attention to things, and is smiling a lot, especially when he lays on his changing table. He just talks and talks to his little doggy! It's really cute. Today he had his 2nd 'Well Child' visit with his doctor. He was in a really good mood. We think he likes the lighting in the exam rooms. He smiled and cooed at Dr. Banter, and didn't cry at all during his exam...until the end, when she checked on his circumcision, and had to pull his foreskin from the head of his willy because it was growing together!! OUCH!! Poor little guy. Now we have to put Vaseline on it when we change his diaper and stretch it out a little. It's pretty red and irritated but should heal within a couple days. Our little bundle weighed in at 10lbs 9oz., and measured 22". He's growing pretty well, but is still in the lower percentiles for both height and weight. Short or tall...fat or skinny, we'll love him to pieces no matter...:)

Zach, Rikki and Darian Lee

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