Tuesday, August 18, 2009

10 weeks old today!!

Darian turned 10 weeks old a couple hours ago!! Yea! What a big boy! He's actually not been very happy today though! He just doesn't want to go to sleep! He's been crying and crying, but he's so tired! He's only been calm when we have walked with him in the stroller or in our arms around the neighborhood! Poor guy! He did sleep earlier today. Mommy walked 4.5 miles in Holland Park, and he snoozed the whole time! Mommy is feeding him right now, so hopefully he'll conk out for the night after his tiny belly is full! I edited a good portion of Tyler and Marcia Frame's wedding film this evening, but still have quite a bit left to do! Yesterday I played basketball in Holland Park with Luc, while Rik and Dee walked a few miles! Going to try to get some rest now. nightie night.

Zach, Rikki and Dee


Nanna said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DARIAN LEE!!! I can't believe you're almost three months old! Time is going by way - way too quickly! I miss you bunches, and can't wait to see you this weekend!! I Love You!!
Hugs and Kisses - Nanna

Darian Lee Girton said...

He loves you too! Can't wait to see you either!

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