Friday, December 11, 2009

IMPORTANT!!: Adding comments to Darian's Blog...

I know many of you loyal readers and followers have been faithfully tuning in to Darian's blog to keep updated, enlightened, and informed with regards to the development and personal achievements of the most beautiful baby boy the world has ever known.  I also know that many of you have wanted to add comments in response to the postings, showering the author and parents of Darian Lee, with a myriad of praise and accolades for their wonderful documentation of his wonderful life.  Some of you may even want our address (13271 Chevy Chase Dr. Fishers, IN 46038) in order to send large checks in support of this digital venture.  Whatever your reasons, i hope the simple instructions below will allow you even further participation in our blessed lives. 

1.)  Simply go the "add comments" link at the bottom of each blog:
(Posted by Darian Lee Girton at 3:58 PM 2 comments) <--------- looks like this

2.)  Simply click on the "add comments"... (see below)

3.)  Simply click on the "Comment As" drop down (arrow on right), and select, "Name/URL"

4.)  You'll see the screen above.  Simply type you name into the "Name" box, then select Continue.

5.)  You can now type your glorious message of endearment and praise!

6.)  When finished with your comment, please proof read for grammatical and spelling errors (only kidding),
       but you really probably should, then click on "Preview".  You'll see your comment in another box.   If it's good to go, simply select "Post Comment".  It may prompt you to enter a 'verification code'.  If so, simply do your best to duplicate the trippy text in the provided space, then post comment. 

That should do it!  I look forward to reading everyone's comments!  And to those without internet, who are reading printed versions of the blog (i.e. Grandma Ann...via Unka Dean (thanks)), you may send comments through the snail mail like Grandma does (love getting your cards and notes Grandma), along with a blank check and/or cash for Dee's college fund! :)

Love you all!
Z daddy


nanna mel said...

See, I told you I could do this!! Hello my precious Deedlebug!! Was great to see and play with you yesterday! Until our next visit be good and remember how much nanna mel loves you! smooches and hugs

Daddy Z said...

Yey! You did it! I'm so proud! Thanks for stopping over yesterday! Love you too.

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