Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Hurting baby!

Darian had a doctor's appointment today so we can try to figure out why he's been unhappy at night this week. Dr. Banter ordered an x-ray at Riverview Hospital tomorrow, to rule out that he doesn't have pyloric stenosis. Too long to explain, but basically it's fairly common in babies and means the connection from stomach to intestine is too small. We don't think that's the issue, but at least we'll be able to rule it out. She asked Rikki to temporarily eliminate all dairy products from her diet. We also stopped and purchased some gas drops from the store that the Dr. recommended. Hopefully we'll have a good night tonight! X-Ray appointment is at 1:30 tomorrow. I'll let you know how everything goes.


Zach, Rikki and Darian


Unknown said...

We went through the, not slepping and alot of screaming too. After many visits and worries, it was acid refulx.
Make sure you ask for free samples of any meds they prescibe. Somtimes little ones hate them or you have to get something else the next week.


Darian Lee Girton said...

Thanks for the comment Shelby! Much appreciated! The Doctor's office is supposed to follow up on Monday, so we'll say something about that. Thanks again...hope you guy's are well!

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