Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Sleeping Beauty!! :) 3/9/2012

 This is where our sweet boy naps on the weekends these days.  We went though a phase where he didn't want to sleep in his bed anymore, and only wanted to sleep in our bed or the couch.  Luckily, with some work on our part, that didn't last too long.  We do let him nap on the couch though, and he actually naps better here then he did in his room!  So we are all happy! :)
 And often times Hubble likes to join him.  I think he is protecting him.
He is such a sweetie.  50% of the time. ;)

Dinner and IU with Luc and Katie!! 3/4/2012

 Dee and Katie
 This one made Luc sooooo jealous!
 Goofy boy!
 He asked Luc to help him put his train track together!
 Luc really struggled, but eventually they got it!  2 thumbs up!!
 Peace dudes!!
 Popping in a piece of gum while giving Luc 'Piece Fives'!
 He was up on "stage", using a piece of his train track to play guitar!
What a performer! :)

Hoop it UP! 2/27/2012

 He's not just a musician, he loves to play sports too...especially basketball!
 He's getting a lot stronger and can really shoot the ball now!
 Just look at that follow-thru!
 Nice high arc!
 Good elevation on his jumper!
 Nothing but net??
YES!!  Good shooting buddy!! 

Artsy Fartsy... 2/27/2012

 This is a mixed media piece, using a combination of brush and finger techniques.
 The artist's inspiration comes from many places...

Here he is hoping to cash in on his masterpiece.  That cash register was his mommy's too when she was little.  He loves it.

Visiting Great Audrey and Peapod! 2/26/2012

 Playing with Gma Tia and some of his mom's old toys from when she was little! 
 Rik's grandma had them upstairs, and they are in mint condition!  Or at least they were until Dee started playing with them!

 I don't what he thought he was doing with a whole giant bag of Reece's Cups!  Probably trying to sneak through, hoping no one see's him! :)
He loves that dollhouse!

Visiting Nana and Kara!

 Darian just loves Kara!
 Kisses from Nana!
 He's so handsome.
 Not sure what they are looking at...but it looks serious! :)
 Getting ready to get his PJ's on and head home!
 tickle. tickle.

 He was still wearing pull-ups to bed.
 Kara putting on his jammies!
 He looks pretty happy about it!

He loves going to Winchester to visit his family!  He always has so much fun!

Eating some cereal! 2/26/2012

 This is about all Dee wants to eat for breakfast on the weekends these days!
 Captain Crunch is his current favorite.  He loves to get it out of the pantry and put it in his bowl (with a little help) himself!

It's also about the only thing he eats completely by himself without any help from mommy and daddy!

ROCKING OUT! 2/25/2012

 This post pretty much speaks for itself!!  Darian is still in love with music, especially the guitar!  We have been playing quite a bit lately, and he loves learning new songs!  He knows the lyrics better than me most of the time! :)  He's such a little ROCK STAR! Love him.