Wednesday, April 27, 2011

TRUE LOVE...4/17/11

Those smiles are what i live for...

Jackie Garvey's 60th Birthday Bash!! Jan. 29th 2011

I just found these picture on my other camera, and even though they are from several months ago, I decided they were too cute not to post!  They are from Jackie Garvey's (Adam's mom) 60th Hippie Birthday party.  Obviously, it was a 60's theme dress up affair, and we had a great time!  Darian looked really cute, and had a great time playing with Fiona and some other kiddos that were in attendance!  Above with Rik is Adam's brother Nate.  He didn't really dress up...that's pretty much his everyday wear. :)

 Fiona flashing a peace sign...Darian climbing the stairs...OF COURSE! :)

 "This is totally GROOOOVY Daddo!"
 We are a PEACEful family!
 Dee running around with Mike in the background!
 Casey and Fi
 Hippie chicks!
 John, Adam an Scott

Crusin in the groovy bus that Adam and Nate made!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Darian and Emma...4/17/11

 This is Darian's good friend Emma!  She is our neighbor just to the north...across the pine trees.  They love to play together!
 Darian had been helping me spread some grass seed in the yard before Emma came over.  I dressed him for a little outdoor work.
 I think he was trying to put his hands in his pockets like Emma was, but he kept reaching inside his bibs instead. 
 He realized he could feel his diaper, and he thought that was really cool!
 We went over to Emma's house to play for a bit!
They put stickers all over each other!  Too cute!

Nana Mel's and the Floridian's! 4/15/11

 After my haircut and the kids playing at the park, we met over at Nana Mel's for a visit.  Great Gma Ann and Great Gpa Doug were back from wintering in the Sunshine state, and we hadn't seen them for probably 6 months so it was great to see them!

Dee said, "Here gampa...want a drink?"  Gpa Doug replied. "Not unless there is alcohol in there Dee Lee!" 

Deedlebug and Cousin Randy...4/15/11

 Rikki and Darian stopped over to visit her Aunt Amy and cousin Samantha.  Sam's baby boy Randy is getting so big and cute! 

Southside Park with the Boyd's!! 4/15/2011

 After visiting grandma Dwiggins and getting Dee a nap, we met some of the Boyd's (Britt, Joselyn, and Jensen) at the Mexican Restaurant in town for a yummy lunch.  Afterwards, they all (minus me) west to the Southside Park to play until Delaney got out of school.  I had to go get my hair was it long! :)
 Joselyn was pushing Darian in the swing!

 This photo is really cute!  Of course everyone looked at the camera except Dee.

 Little man trying to keep up!! :)

Cute kiddos!!  I'm pretty sure they had a blast!

Visiting with Great Grandma Ann! 4/15/11

 After breakfast at Mrs. Wick's, we went back to Grandma Dwiggins to visit with her for a little while.  We had a nice time as always.  These first 2 photos are of Darian looking pretty nervous and a little scared!  Why?  Grandma bought him a very menacing and scary Easter gift!!
 "Save me from the beast Grandma!"
 There is the super scary monster that has Darian holding on tight to Grandma for protection!! LOL!  It's Donald "The Bunny" Duck!!
 After getting over his fears he decided to play with all grandma's phones!
"What? I'm not allowed to call long distance?"

Breakfast with Great Grandma's!! 4/15/11

Friday morning we met both of Darian's beautiful great-grandmother's at Mrs. Wick's for breakfast and coffee.  Grandma Dwiggins was already there to meet with her friends for their usual Friday morning coffee, which was great, because grandma could show Dee off to them!  We had a wonderful time!

Bath at Gma Tia's! 4/14/11

Dee was pretty dirty and sweaty from running around hunting Easter eggs, so he needed to get a bath!!  Grandma Tia helped get him all fresh and clean!

First Easter with the Reish's! April 14, 2011

 Dee driving mommy's car!
 We had our first Easter this year on April 14th with Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Reish.  Darian is having a little chat with Grandpa Reish.

 Pretty good photo of the 3 of them!
 Heading outside with grandma Tia to start hunting for some eggs!
 First egg in the basket!!  It took him a little while to grasp the concept!  He found the first egg, then just wanted to open it and eat all the candy!  We had to keep coaxing him to find more!
 Surveying the landscape for more colorful eggs!
 I think he found another!
 A green one!  He's opening it and getting all the candy out!  LOL!
 Oh, actually that one had money!  We told him to put it in his cargo pocket.  He did, but he didn't like the sound of the change jingling when he walked, so we took it out!  :)

 ELMO egg!!

 He gave up egg hunting for a few minutes to run some sprints on the sidewalk!  Needed to burn off some sugars!
 Giving great grandma a kiss!
 Time to inventory the haul!
 He's super excited for all his goodies!
What a wonderful first Easter Egg hunt with great people!