Wednesday, December 1, 2010

...Give me something good to eat!!!

 It's candy time!!  Everyone knows giraffe's love candy!!
 Running down the sidewalk with his happy!
 You can't catch me and take my suckers away!
 Still running...
 Pooped.  "Candy please?"
"I get it...hehehe!!"  What a wonderful Halloween with the most wonderful little boy in the world!

Slice and Dice...Carving's soooo NICE!!

 Darian helping mommy gut and Dee-seed Mr. Pumpkin!
 Getting ready to dig in....
 "Momma my hands are slimy and I don't like it...HELP!"
 It's carving time son...let's do this!
 I didn't know what to carve so I handed the blade to Dee and let his artistic abilities shine!  Guess what was on his mind?
 La la, la la, la la...
And it was time to put the masterpiece on the porch for all to see!!

Zooooooooo Booooooooooooooooo!!!

 Trick or Treat?
 Baby giraffe with his other family in the background!!
 Trick or Treat again!
 Darian with his friend Jonah!
 Dee looks up to him!
 Too freaking cute.  He wouldn't hold momma's hand or mine...but Jonah's, no problem!
 Checking out the Elephants!
 He's really into it!  Loves the zoo!
 Jonah being protective of our Lil giraffe!
 Giving the goats kisses!
 Can we have one?
 Still loves rocks!

 Jonah, Amanda, and Jeremy on the carousel!
 Us on the carousel too, with Dee looking a little unsure about it! :)
 Caught in the web of family fun!  Darian's looking a bit tired.
 Amanda took us to Mugs N' Buns on the west side after the zoo!!  It's on old time drive-in/diner!  Foot long coney's and root beer for all! 
Darian listening intently to Jonah reading a story!  They are buddies.  Really cute.  We had a great time! 


Headless Horseman @ Conner Prairie!!

Momma is stretching to get above the statue!
Getting ready to go on the haunted hayride!
We're looking up at the giant hot air balloon which Darian just loves!  It's really cool at night because it glows!
In the percussion tent getting ready to jam!
Playing the Bongo and washboard!!
This was one of Darian's favorite things during the headless horseman Halloween festivities at Conner Prairie.  It's basically a tent filled with all kinds of percussion pieces that the kids can just beat and play!  The gentleman (back left of photo) plays some old time folk music with good rhythm, that everyone can attempt to play along to.  It basically sounds like a train wreck in there though...but really cute watching all the kids go crazy trying to play music!
Play it son! 
Donde esta Deedlebug?
Darian sharing a Carmel apple with his momma!  He loved it!  We had such a fun time.  Rikki was so funny, because she was more scared than any of the kids on our haunted hayride!  She just giggled and giggled every time something jumped at us!!  :)

Pumpkin Patchin' at Russell Farms!!

 Darian showing Luc his special pumpkick (pumpkin) he picked out all by himself!!
 Dee loved sorting through the little gourds...and throwing them!
 Me and Casey riding the wings of the plane Darian was piloting!
 Adam teaching Darian all about the little pigs.
 I really thought he would like the bounce house.  I was wrong. :(
 Hayride out to the pumpkin patch.
 We found the perfect specimen for carving!
 Rik, Katie, and Dee...sipping on his fresh apple cider!
This is our second year in a row going to Russell Farms in Noblesville with the Goldfarb's and Garvey's.  Luc and Katie came this year too!  We had a great time.  It was really hot that day...and we were sweating in the corn maze.  We all went back to our house after to watch the Colts game.  Rik and I also bought a baking pumpkin, and Rikki made 2 delicious homemade pies!!  So tasty!